Bani Umar Mosque

"Bani Umar Mosque" | is a mosque located at Graha Raya Bintaro. The mosque, which was inaugurated President of the Republic Indonesia Registration By October 10, 2008 shows activities and activities towards a good show.

The mosque is said to be unique, because the shape is not like the mosque in general, as shown below :

Various activities have been organized by the Board of Bani Umar mosque in order to prosper and provide the means and facilities to the pilgrims to increase devotion to God Almighty. This is consistent with the vision, mission and activities Bani Umar Majid Kingdom, such as:

"Making Bani Umar Mosque as a center of Islamic Aqidah and Development within the Framework of Social Community and Educating People to Overcome Poverty"

  1. Religious Events organized to boost faith and devotion
  2. Conducting education and training to improve human resources, and
  3. Organized charities and social enterprises that include public services and health care for the community around the mosque.

In accordance with the vision and mission that has been set, in addition to its main activities and Propagation conducting worship, Bani Umar Mosque is also expected to contribute to poverty reduction that is currently the government's attention. It's specifically addressed by the business and social community which organizes a variety of activities, among others, the economic empowerment of the people, health care, maintenance of the body, family consultation and provide support services in the field of Law. in Bani Umar Mosque can be organized ceremony marriage ceremony and wedding reception and obtain advice or discourse about tips - tips to foster domestic life.

From this mosque the Muslims will also be able to gain enlightenment, about the life of the Islamic community, both in terms of economic, social and cultural. But of course this mosque can put a neutral position in the political scene in Indonesia.

Created By Lintas - Tangsel , Edited By Google Translate
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3 komentar:

  1. wah keren banget artikelnya pakai bahasa luar, hehee
    iyea sob, ini sudah beanar

  2. hasil copas trus ditranslate ya bang? hehe :)

  3. Akang Budi : Makasih
    Iskandar Dzulkarnain : Ya, tapi ada editan sedikit, Emang masih ada yang kurang ya? Di kasih tau donk kekurangannya mana?


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